The infamous reddit horror movie iceberg

Tier 1

We skipped most of the movies in the first tier because we had already seen them, or we figured it would be too boring. We decided we'd go back to them later, once we've finished the rest. They are mostly somewhat enjoyable except for Conjuring, which we all hated. We felt nothing watching these movies. Some classics, most are ok from an entertainment standpoint.

Tier 2

This tier was enjoyable, most of the movies were very entertaining. Some of the standouts are Midsommar and Tusk. Both of those films were equally good and unsettling. The rest were pretty tame, but still fun to watch.

Tier 3

This was overall the most enjoyable tier. A couple movies were mediocre but none were bad. Standouts include Shoujo Tsubaki and Cannibal Holocaust. This is the peak of the experience. That being said, with the exception of a few moments, these films weren't all that disturbing.

Tier 4

This level had the highest variance in quality from film to film. Life and Death of a Porno Gang is among the best movies on this iceberg. Both disturbing and entertaining. Juvenile Crime was also a really good movie. However, this tier introduced Lucifer Valentine as a director, and Slaughtered Vomit Dolls was an absolue slog. Most of the "disturbing" movies at this point are too silly and over-the-top to elicit any actual emotion. Mostly they were just horrendously boring. Guinea Pig is probably the worst movie ever made.

Tier 5

None of the tier 5 movies we've watched were either good or disturbing. Again, the content of these films are a jumbled mess of over-the-top gore and porn that are just tiresome to get through.

Tier 6

This level improves on the quality of the last. Most of these movies are documentaries. They were pretty interesting and had some gut-wrenching moments. Lucifer Valentine even somewhat redeemed himself with Black Metal Veins, which was actually good.